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Apr 30, 2021 Flowgorithm is a free application that helps you create programs using simple flowcharts. Using Flowgorithm, you can use shapes to represent the different actions that you want your program to perform. So, you can concentrate on the algorithm rather than all the nuances and details of a typical programming language. Flowgorithm (Flowgorithm.exe) free download, latest version 2.25.1, Flowgorithm is a free application that helps you create programs using simple flowcharts. Typically, programs are written using a text editor. Depending on the programming language, this can be either easy or quite difficult for a beginning programmer. Demonstration Videos for Flowgorithm. Flowgorithm Any drawing program can be used to create flowchart diagrams, but these will have no underlying data model to share data with databases or other programs such as project management systems or spreadsheet.

Only one dimensional arrays are supported in the Flowgorithm and
limited to the integer, real (floats), boolean and string types.
However, two dimensional arrays are natively required in many algorithms.
Vectors and matrices are indexed from '1' not from '0' .
This page describes, how two dimensional matrices can be defined, used and printed.
It is recommended to understand how the Flowgorithm source files ( *.fprg files) can be modified directly for additional libraries inclusion.
Please, see EDITING Flowgorithm Files
(unfortunately, a library handling is not available in the current Flowgorithm version, perhaps a specialized tool for *.fprg files will be available)

Flowgorithm pi

The Flowgorithm uses indexing from ZERO, i.e. the A[0], .. , A[N-1], which might cause some problems in mathematical formula use.
The following functionality is available (indexing [1.N] is to be used consistently).
In mathematics, usually the first index is ONE, i.e. A[1] in the vector case, resp. A[1,1] in the case of matrices

Declaration (N, M can be integer constants or variables)

  • one dimensional arrays: A[1:N] - declare A[N] - generates actually a vector
  • two dimensional arrays: A[1:N,1:M] - declare A[N*M] - generates actually vector for a matrix storing.

As the Flowgorithm supports one dimensional arrays indexed from ZERO, each element of two dimensional array has to be re-indexed independently with checking the bounds of a vector or a matrix,
e.g. a mathematical formula k = A[i,j] is to be rewritten as k = A[ Index ( i, j, N, M )] in the case of matrix with integer elements.
All indexing starts from ONE, i.e. [1.N].

Vector and matrix support (indexing from '1')

The following re-indexing functions can be used for matrices; in the case of a vector,
elements can be accessed directly by decreasing index by '1', but without bounds detailed control.
(a vector A has N elements, a matrix A - has N rows, M columns):

Flowgorithm App

The vector case (indexing from '1')

  • Index1 ( i, N ) - returns integer value of the physical index for the integer vector element A[i] (matrix type independent)

The matrix case [2D arrays] (indexing from '1')

  • Index ( i, j, N, M ) - returns the integer value of the physical index for the matrix element A[i,j] of the size NxM (matrix type independent)
  • Index2 ( i, j, N ) - returns the integer value of the physical index for the matrix element A[i,j] of the size NxN (square matrix; matrix type independent)

Printing vectors and matrices with formatting (indexing from '1', resp. '1,1')
The Flowgorithm supports only 'non-formatted' output of one value only. However, formatted output is required in many cases.
Also for matrix output formatting is needed to see columns.
Unfortunately, output natively uses proportional font type on the screen.
However if output is stored, a non-proportional font type, e.g. Consolas in the Notepad, can be used.
For formatted print the following calls can be used:

Print of a value (it is expected, that d <= length of characters printed)

  • PrintI ( i, d ) - prints integer value on the d positions
  • PrintR ( r, d1, d2 ) - prints integer value on the d1 positions with d2 decimal points
  • PrintS ( s, d ) - prints integer value on the d positions
  • PrintB ( b, d ) - prints integer value on the d positions

Print of a vector

  • PrintVectorI (A, N, d ) - prints integer vector elements on d positions (N rows, M columns)
  • PrintVectorR (A, N, d1, d2 ) - prints real vector elements on d1 positions with d2 decimals (N rows, M columns)
  • PrintVectorS (A, N, d ) - prints string vector elements on d positions (N rows, M columns)
  • PrintVectorB (A, N, d ) - prints boolean vector elements on d positions (N rows, M columns)

Forgotten city skyrim guide. Print of a matrix


The Flowgorithm uses indexing from ZERO, i.e. the A[0], .. , A[N-1], which might cause some problems in mathematical formula use.
The following functionality is available (indexing [1.N] is to be used consistently).
In mathematics, usually the first index is ONE, i.e. A[1] in the vector case, resp. A[1,1] in the case of matrices

Declaration (N, M can be integer constants or variables)

  • one dimensional arrays: A[1:N] - declare A[N] - generates actually a vector
  • two dimensional arrays: A[1:N,1:M] - declare A[N*M] - generates actually vector for a matrix storing.

As the Flowgorithm supports one dimensional arrays indexed from ZERO, each element of two dimensional array has to be re-indexed independently with checking the bounds of a vector or a matrix,
e.g. a mathematical formula k = A[i,j] is to be rewritten as k = A[ Index ( i, j, N, M )] in the case of matrix with integer elements.
All indexing starts from ONE, i.e. [1.N].

Vector and matrix support (indexing from '1')

The following re-indexing functions can be used for matrices; in the case of a vector,
elements can be accessed directly by decreasing index by '1', but without bounds detailed control.
(a vector A has N elements, a matrix A - has N rows, M columns):

Flowgorithm App

The vector case (indexing from '1')

  • Index1 ( i, N ) - returns integer value of the physical index for the integer vector element A[i] (matrix type independent)

The matrix case [2D arrays] (indexing from '1')

  • Index ( i, j, N, M ) - returns the integer value of the physical index for the matrix element A[i,j] of the size NxM (matrix type independent)
  • Index2 ( i, j, N ) - returns the integer value of the physical index for the matrix element A[i,j] of the size NxN (square matrix; matrix type independent)

Printing vectors and matrices with formatting (indexing from '1', resp. '1,1')
The Flowgorithm supports only 'non-formatted' output of one value only. However, formatted output is required in many cases.
Also for matrix output formatting is needed to see columns.
Unfortunately, output natively uses proportional font type on the screen.
However if output is stored, a non-proportional font type, e.g. Consolas in the Notepad, can be used.
For formatted print the following calls can be used:

Print of a value (it is expected, that d <= length of characters printed)

  • PrintI ( i, d ) - prints integer value on the d positions
  • PrintR ( r, d1, d2 ) - prints integer value on the d1 positions with d2 decimal points
  • PrintS ( s, d ) - prints integer value on the d positions
  • PrintB ( b, d ) - prints integer value on the d positions

Print of a vector

  • PrintVectorI (A, N, d ) - prints integer vector elements on d positions (N rows, M columns)
  • PrintVectorR (A, N, d1, d2 ) - prints real vector elements on d1 positions with d2 decimals (N rows, M columns)
  • PrintVectorS (A, N, d ) - prints string vector elements on d positions (N rows, M columns)
  • PrintVectorB (A, N, d ) - prints boolean vector elements on d positions (N rows, M columns)

Forgotten city skyrim guide. Print of a matrix

  • PrintMatrixI (A, N, M, d ) - prints integer matrix A elements on d positions (N rows, M columns)
  • PrintMatrixR (A, N, M, d1, d2 ) - prints real matrix A elements on d1 positions with d2 decimals (N rows, M columns)
  • PrintMatrixS (A, N, M, d ) - prints string matrixA elements on d positions (N rows, M columns)
  • PrintMatrixB (A, N, M, d ) - prints boolean matrix A elements on d positions (N rows, M columns)

Operations with vectors and matrices

  • CopyVector (A, B, N) - copy a vector A to vector B of the size N
  • CopyMatrix (A, B, N, M) - copy a matrix A to matrix B of the size N rows, M columns
  • Transpose (A, B, N, M) - transpose a matrix A (size N rows, M columns) to a matrix B (size M rows, N columns)
  • DotProduct (A, B, N) - result is a real value
  • CrossPruduct (A, B, C, N) - result is a vector C (actually the outer product in the case N>3)
  • GeometricProduct (A, B, C, D, N) - result is a bi-vector C and a scalar value D

Solution of a linear equations

  • SolveGaussSeidel (A, x, b, N) - solution of a system of linear equations Ax = b, size of the matrix A is N by N, x is vector of unknowns, b is the right side
    (the Gauss elimination method is used)
  • Solve (A, x, b, N) - solution of a system of linear equations Ax = b, size of the matrix A is N by N, x is vector of unknowns, b is the right side
    (the iterative method is used, matrix A must be strictly positive definitive)

Scriviamo un algoritmo che, dato in ingresso un numero num, restituisca il numero di divisori pari di num.

L’algoritmo è molto semplice:

Flowgorithm &

  • Dichiariamo le variabili intere num, i e cont.
  • Chiediamo e otteniamo in ingresso un valore da memorizzare nella variabile intera num.
  • Inizializziamo la variabile cont a 0 (visto che si aggiornerà facendo riferimento al proprio precedente valore). Tale variabile conterrà il numero di divisori pari di num.
  • Inseriamo un ciclo for (Per) per far scorrere il contatore i da 1 a num.
  • Inseriamo un blocco di controllo (selezione) per verificare se il generico valore i è un divisore di num e se è pari; per far sì che tali condizioni siano verificate contemporaneamente, usiamo l’operatore AND (&&).
  • Ogni volta che i soddisfa le condizioni appena scritte, aumentiamo di 1 il valore di cont.
  • L’algoritmo termina restituendo il valore di cont.
  • Nella finestra che segue mostriamo l’esecuzione per num uguale a 10. I divisori di 10 sono 4 (1, 2, 5, 10) ma solo due due di essi (2, 10) sono pari.

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